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Essays and Journalism 1 - The Early Years, and Reminiscing
Naomi Mitchison.
ISBN 9781849210102
SERIES The Naomi Mitchison Library
Paperback  486 pages
Published December 2023    UK Price £24.95    US Price $29.95   

Volume 1 in the seven-volume edition of Naomi Mitchison’s Essays and Journalism.
Among over eighty articles in this volume are Mitchison's earliest known published non-fiction, her thoughts on motherhood and children - and her contributions to the debate on contraception, including the pamphlet Comments On Birth Control published separately in 1930.
As well as the text of her editorial for the collection of essays An Outline for Boys and Girls and their Parents (1932), and the full text of the extended essay The Home and a Changing Civilisation (1934) there are humorous stories from 'The Passing Show' and some of the nascent journeys into left-wing political expression.

The second half of the volume takes time to reflect on past occasions, on her early life in Edinburgh and Oxford, and on family at Cloan.

The writing career of Naomi Mitchison (1897-1999) stretched over some seventy years, encompassing at least seventy works of fiction as well as non-fiction, poetry and plays.
Almost unknown, however, is the mass of shorter prose pieces - journalism, essays, polemics, reminiscences - which Mitchison produced during her long career.
There are many hundreds of these pieces, covering a tremendously wide range of topics, an untapped resource both in Mitchison biography and in the wider field of social history.


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